Digestive system
Digestion and good health
Our digestive system plays a huge role in maintaining our good health. When things go wrong it can lead to problems elsewhere in the body as well as giving rise to digestive disturbances. If this system is malfunctioning, problems such as indigestion, irritable bowel, bloating and constipation may result. Poor gut health is also closely linked with autoimmune disease, and many studies indicate that many of these conditions are on the rise.
The importance of the gut microbiome
You may be surprised to learn that over 70% of our immune system is located in the gut. So gut health is huge. The ecology of the gut, or microbiome, is key to good health.
There are more than two thousand strains of bacteria in the gut. A healthy gut depends on having high levels of diverse bacteria, that can maintain a healthy microbiome and break down our food efficiently. Ultra-processed foods and some medicines all play a role in reducing these populations, Stress can also play a role in affecting gut health, and significantly impacts our immune system.
The gut barrier
The gut wall is lined with a very thin membrane which separates the gut from the bloodstream. This wall is comprised of tight junctions which ‘glue’ together to act as a barrier to any larger proteins or bacteria that should not get through. There are three components to the gut barrier, the physical junctions which form this wall, the gut flora which is the ecological barrier and also gut mucosa which contains immunological and antimicrobial defences.
What is fascinating is the communication which takes place between the bacteria in the gut and the glycans which regulate how well the mucous barrier functions. This is a homeostatic mechanism which seeks to maintain the health of the gut.
Issues associated with poor gut health
There are many potential disruptors of the gut microbiome. Principal amongst these are a poor diet, gluten, antibiotics and other drugs including NSAIDs, statins, Metformin, and opiod drugs. In the case of food related intolerance or allergies, we may be constantly inflaming the gut through the regular consumption of common or highly processed foods.
Antibiotics in particular, can cause permanent loss of some bacteria and give rise to disturbances of the microbiome. There is a shift from mutualism where bacteria thrive in the gut to competition as some bacteria are killed off. Certain bacterial strains that inhibit fungi are eliminated or weakened and the conditions for more aggressive organisms to proliferate are created. Other factors that affect gut function are stress and nutrient deficiencies, which can also disrupt the gut flora and affect the permeability of the gut wall.
When the gut wall is breached, a condition referred to as ‘leaky gut’, it allows chemical contents from the intestine plus live bacteria to be released through the cell walls of the gut and into the bloodstream and other organ cells.
This leads to an inflammatory response and may give rise to auto-immune diseases. Many conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus to name just two, are associated with damage being caused to the gut and the resultant leakage of products which become highly inflammatory outside the gut.
Skin rashes such as eczema and other distressing conditions are also signals that inflammation is becoming very active in the body.
Healing for gut health
Herbal medicine plays a key role in improving gut health and digestion. Some herbs in particular, reduce this inflammation and help to heal the gut wall. If you have concerns about gut health and digestive issues, you can book an appointment online or in-person by contacting [email protected]
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